ሰበር ቪድዮ |ተቆርጦ የወጣው ዶር አብይንና ጃዋርን ያገናኘው ጉድ
#ethiopianews #Ethiopia
Jawar Mohammed Biography
Jawar Mohammed is the energetic, dynamic and controversial political face of the majority of young Ethiopian Oromo’s, who now have been given the green light to freely participate in the country’s changing political scene.
It is evident that he now has a wide-reaching network that spans continents, namely, the Americas, Europe, and obviously Africa.
Jawar has perfected the art of disseminating his views to reach his massive audience base through the expert use of the many media outlets, some of which he runs.
His OMN (Oromia Media Network) was a constant source of information for those hoping to hear and watch the news from a TV broadcast that was not associated with the government.
Furthermore, Jawar’s handling of Facebook with a following of no less than 1.2 million people, as well as, his skillful use of various other social media tools has helped firmly place him as an important and influential leader in today's ever changing Ethiopian political landscape.
Time Stamps
00:00 Headlines
02:02 Jawar_Mohammed
ይህ የኢትዮጵያን ትንሳኤ የሚያበስረው ስማ24/7 ነው ...ሰውን ከሰው የለየው የተሳሳተ መረጃ ነው ...እኛ ለእውነት እንተጋለን ..በዛም ከ100 ሺህ በላይ ተከታዮችን አፍርተናል..
ከፍቅር የሚበልጥ ነገር የለምና ኑ ለፍቅር እንትጋ..ፍቅርን ብቻ እንስበክ ...መረጃችን ለፍቅር በፍቅር የተገባ ነው
ታሪክ ተሠራ!!!
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Ethiopia - የኢትዮጵያ ኒውክሌር ወደግብጽ ተጠመደ! ግብጽ እጅ እግሯ ታሰረ አመነች
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